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2 Castle St
Dunedin, Otago, 9016
New Zealand


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Sandie den Dulk

November 9th until November 30th.

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Kaori Jackson


Kaori is a self taught artist and mother of two young children living in Dunedin.  Growing up in Japan she was greatly influenced by the artistry of her grandparents. Her grandfather being a master of Japanese embroidery and her grandmother a teacher and designer of Kimono. “I like to paint in the modern style while adhering to the principals of the traditional”.

Kaori has a deep interest in wildlife and a love of birds. Living in a nature reserve she has no shortage of inspiration for her painting.  Kaori has a unique and original style mirroring her delight in her surroundings. Colour is important to her and she uses it expressively and freely. This is very apparent in her latest series “Colour Collection”. This one will be a joy to view.