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2 Castle St
Dunedin, Otago, 9016
New Zealand


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Emmellee Rose's Recent Work.

Sandie den Dulk

Runs until November 7th.


Artist Emmellee Rose combines many styles from photography and printmaking to
creative use of paper and fabric to produce art showing humanity’s impact on the earth.
She studied graphic design at the Art Institute in San Francisco and is now focusing on
her art practice.


Emmellee’s current work features two distinct styles. Photographs that she has taken
around the Otago Peninsula, these have been transferred by hand to canvas and painted
which in the process creates imperfections but also an otherworldly feel.
Emmellee’s Urban Line Series is both spontaneous and practiced, methodical, but not
perfect. Imperfection is what makes us human, hence the work is cut by hand. Intricate
patterns demonstrate the interconnectedness between ourselves and the urban environment.
She says “my goal is to inspire those who see my work to look more carefully at the world
around them and to discover beauty in unusual, unexpected places.

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