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2 Castle St
Dunedin, Otago, 9016
New Zealand


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"Allans Beach and Other Peninsula Paintings" Liz Abbott.

Sandie den Dulk

16th October until 5th November 2021. Hours : 10am until 5pm weekdays. Saturdays and Public Holidays 10am until 3pm.


“This collection of paintings and drawings is the culmination of our first year living on the Otago Peninsula.

The little paintings are a collection of glimpses from walks and drives around home and were painted in our tiny sunroom while we built a studio.

The large paintings are a series of works I made in my new spacious space! They were inspired by a visit to Allans Beach one Saturday afternoon in June. What had seemed like a bland, grey day was transformed by the voluminous clouds we discovered billowing above us. I took some reference photos and embarked on a series of pastel drawings which I then tried to translate into large loose paintings.

Friend and poet Kirstie McKinnon observed me as having “the sky and sea in conversation, uneasy in a sense, as if they must follow each other. There is a sense of working together and a sense of resistance”. “